First thing you should know:
Adam would often mention being married to me and all the different things that would happen. I refused to talk about it for a while, but after persuasion and sweet words, I caved, but didn't actually say the word 'marriage' or 'married.' Instead, I used the word 'smurfed' after a game that I have played where a player has to guess the action verb the other players have chosen by substituting the word 'smurf.' For example if the action verb is 'playing football,' and I don't know what the action verb is and I have to guess, I can only do so by saying, "have you ever smurfed in public?" or "does smurfing involve multiple people?" etc, until I guess what 'smurfing' really is. Regardless, we talked about being smurfed.
Second thing you should know:
Adam and I discussed our dating styles long before we talked about being smurfed. I indicated that while my other relationships happened fast and furious, that for the past couple of years, I wanted to get to know someone at a much slower pace. He agreed that he was also of that same sentiment. Thus, we decided not to place any expectations on the relationship and let it evolve as fast or slow as it and we wanted.

He talked to my dad, and shared with me the sweet moment. I waited a while before I told some of my family and he told his family. I laugh because my mom called me every day to see if she could start spreading the news to all of our friends. I told her to hold off until he officially proposed to me with a ring. I said, "Let him do the man thing mom...we can't take that from him!"
I laugh at the waiting game though. By the time he proposed we had already selected and called the temple to solidify the date, put a deposit down on the reception center, and I got my dress.....
I am loving your stories!! So stinking cute and sweet. Awesome that you are taking the time to write it down. :). I am so super excited for you. Adam is a lucky man. :)
you got a dress already!!! can't wait to see it.
I want to see your dress! Send me a picture!
Lish Fish: Grandma told me to write it all down....sure glad for her advice. Why are you so sweet!? Thank you so much love!
Rawhide: I totally got the dress. Funny story, I saw it 2 years ago on a billboard, called on it a couple days after we were unofficially engaged and viola, they had one left in my size. A sign?
Andrea: Pic on the way!
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