Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In Loving Memory-Steve Brown

I found out that my good friend, and former boss, Steve Brown passed away last night unexpectedly. I was shocked, and it hasn't really hit me yet. In the meantime, I wanted to take the opportunity to write down some of my favorite memories of Steve.

Steve was the happy-guy in the office. It seemed when things were really stressful, that we could always count on him to lighten the mood.
He was always joking around and was so fun to chat with. When I worked in the University Club building on the 14th floor, he would always come back to the forum, a special place removed from the rest of the office building that had wood paneling and smelled of old moss. He would always come back around 3:00 p.m. just to check up on the four of us that were stashed in the back.

He called me Lindsey-rooskie and always commented on my dating life. He was the bishop of a single's ward and I recall, he printed off his picture ward directory and brought it over so that my other single friend, Miaken, and I could choose our top mates. Going through the meat market together, he would say stuff like, "Oh, he is not good enough for you, but check this guy out." I enjoyed his laughter and loved being in the same room as him.

Even though I didn't get to work with him that often, I know that when there was a task at hand, that he worked and worked hard to make sure everyone was happy and that he was content with the outcome.
I will always have this deep respect and gratitude for this man. My heart goes out to his family, business partners, and all those who have come to know him.


Walking With Tippytoes! said...

Sorry To hear about your old boss. Thats really sad.

Neal said...

I don't know you Lindsey...I am Cori Mangus' cousin. I was on Cori and Dusty's blog and I saw your title. Steve Brown was the 2nd Counselor in my student ward at the UofU.

Brother Brown is a great man. He always cared about other people and their lives. He was the definition of service. He truly lived a Christ-like life, and all who knew him will miss him.

Thank you for your post.

Nicole said...

Lindsey, I am very sorry to hear about the passing of Steve Brown. I didn't know him, but from what I have read about him on your blog, he sounds like a wonderful man.

I am so happy that I found your blog. I am looking forward to visiting it often, to keep up with what is happening with you.

Tara Bergsjo said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sad news. But I think that was really neat to do a post on him. What a great way to remember him!