Welcoming the Fall: Autumn Mantras
I have always had a hard time welcoming the fall. I really don't like winter, and fall is just one step toward winter time. So, this year, I decided that I need to change my attitude. Instead of wearing 'summer clothing' in protest of the fall, which I normally do until the first snowfall (to the point where I freeze my butt off), I will welcome in the fall by changing out my summer clothes early, as opposed to waiting until November 15th. I will vow not to complain about how cold it is, but say,"Ah, what a lovely brisk morning it is today!" OR, I could practice my several researched quotes that I would like to deem as my new Autumn mantras:Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower - Albert Camus, French novelist.Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves - John MuirAutumn, the year's last, loveliest smile - William Culllen BryantSo, as I sit here in my office with my space-heater on (because the air conditioner is still on in the office and is not off-setting how cold it is outside), I will breathe one deep breath and welcome the fall.
Oh I know! I totally feel the same way about fall. It seems to sneak up on me and then one afternoon, you realize that its no longer summer. I get a little sad as days get shorter. But you know, its all bad... leaves changing, fall vegetables, wearing sweaters, being cozy, and here in Portland, breaking out the cute rain boots!
I do like fall, I LOVE LOVE summer, so fall is a bummer to me too. I hear you. Maybe, I too, will embrace fall...it is soo stinkin hard when you have to winterize the boat in September tho. UGH!
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